User aedelynlya

Member for: 10 months (since Jun 21, 2023)
Type: Registered user
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About: Dentists have been trained to diagnose, treat and prevent these diseases. This is because prevention, diagnosis and treatment are the foundation of dentistry. Dental-hygienists, as well as other sub-specialists, are also involved in giving you a smile makeover.
As we have already mentioned, tooth pathology can be classified as either acquired or congenital. Let's see what types of dental conditions fall into the category of acquired or congenital diseases:
Anodontia is a congenital disease that can be called Tooth Abnormalities. It is a rare genetic disorder in which the patient does not have any teeth at all. Anodontia vera is the term used in dentistry. This disease is associated with a group of skin and nerve syndromes called Ectodermal dysplasia. The only treatment that is prescribed for a patient suffering from this disease is Prosthetic Replacement of the missing teeth. The replacement of teeth has proven to be a successful treatment because it allows patients to get their natural-looking teeth. Congenital Diseases are classified into different categories. There are two types of congenital diseases. One is when the patient does not have teeth, called Hypodontia. The other is when they have more teeth than normal.
Acquired Disease: Pretty much different from the congenital disease, acquired condition comprises of Dental Caries popularly known as cavity or tooth decay and Dental Abscess. These two are the most common diseases. Bacteria, the unwelcome guest in our mouths, is responsible for cavities. They eat foods with sugar or starch, which produce acids that erode tooth structure and cause enamel damage. The pus that accumulates in the teeth and gums due to bacterial infection is what causes Dental Abscess. The cause of dental abscess is consuming foods rich in sugar and starch however if proper oral hygiene is maintained this situation can be avoided.
There is not much that can done to prevent some diseases, other than undergoing surgery. But for the acquired diseases we need to follow proper dental hygiene.
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